Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Never fear, the Wii Fit is here!

Well its been here for a week, but that is besides the point.
I have been using it. OMG! I am in love. I love this game! Its like a game, but I am working out at the same time. It loves me too. I have a male trainer. I like to call him Bob and pretend that he is Bob from The Biggest Loser.
The Wii Fit tells me my BMI everyday (yikes), and also my weight if I want it to.
It keeps track of my progress, and the amount of minutes I am on it. It monitors my balance too, which helps with posture. The Wii Fit and I play games like soccor, ski jump, and hula hoop. We also do jogging, step aerobics, and Yoga. The workouts are fierce!!!!

Go here to see some shots of the Wii Fit, and all of the cool stuff it does. I dont even have close to half of the exercises unlocked. Which is fine, because I suck at a lot of them. But I am getting better.

I want to tell everyone out there that would like a really awesome and fun home workout, to get this machine, and get the Wii Fit balance board for it. It will be one of the best $350 (total for the system and wii fit) investments you will ever make. Even if you only use it for excercising alone, you wont be disappointed. If comes with 5 really fun games already (bowling, tennis, golf, baseball, and boxing) that you can play with your DH, friends, kids, etc.

Go get a Wii Fit people!!!!


Carrie K said...

sounds fun!! adding that to my list of someday items...

hows the yoga??

Anonymous said...

Just browsing blogs and I am so glad I checked yours out!!! That looks awesome!!!!
Have a great rest of the day!

Stacy Armentrout Skinner said...

glad to hear you love it, i have been seeing the commercial for it on tv and it looks like fun.