Thursday, May 29, 2008

Excuse me, this is MY basket!!

Ok so I am about to Wii Fit, but I first just had to blog about Wal-Mart. UGH!
So I ran in today right after work to pick up a few things. I got everything I needed (well not everything, since I only had 40.00 on me) and I went to the check out. The minute I stepped in front of my cart to put my merchandise on the belt, a lady got in line behind me. But she didnt just get behind me, she was almost on me! She walked right up to my basket, like it was her basket. I thought it was a little wierd so I pulled my basket toward me. She then took a GIANT step forward to put herself directly next to my basket again. I was thinking, man this lady is wierd, and rude. I mean... who does that??? My purse was in the basket, so this is why it was bothering me so much. I was almost done putting my stuff up on the belt when I looked back at her and noticed that she had put her hands on my cart, and did the whole "foot rest" thing on it. You know, the foot rest thing, when you put your hands on the cart, and pick one foot up and rest it on the bottom of the cart. Its a common stance for those standing in line at a Wal-Mart checkstand.. but normally people do it on their own basket, not just some random basket they happen to walk up to that already has someones purse and groceries in it. But anyway, when I saw her do that I CAME UNGLUED!!!! I grabbed the front of my basket and I YANKED it and said "Excuse me!!! This is MY basket!!!" LOL! I must have looked like the biggest bitch ever, but oh well. Maybe she will learn something from it. I mean I know its Wal-Mart and all, most people that shop there leave their manners in the car, but come on. You have to draw the line somewhere.


Hello Kitty said...

OMG! I just read the Wal Mart entry and I almost died laughing! From the way you wrote it I could picture everything that happened perfectly! (lol)

Lisa said...

lol- it must have been the moon or something because yesterday was NOT a good retail day- similar experience. love this post, amy. you're so funny!

Marieke said...

Another one laughing out loud at your post. I can totally visualize it! Step away from the basket.... LOL.

Carrie K said...

haaahaaahaaa! walmart makes EVERYONE a bitch...

im so picturing the look on her face...priceless!

did you have cupcake ingredients in your cart cause i want cupcakes...bad!

Dina said...

LOL...yet another reason why I loathe WalMart!