Monday, November 17, 2008

my thoughts after treadmilling

* i'm not going to make it

* i have terrible balance

* i think one leg is longer than the other

* i'm going to hurt tomorrow

* Rachel Ray magazine is probably not the best thing to look at while running

* this is going to make me want to eat healthier, right now apples and black beans sound good

* i really don't know if I am going to make it

* i've never seen my face so red before

* i need to get a sweat band, do they still make those?

* i'm pretty sure that eventually one of these workouts is going to end with me vomiting

* holy crap am I going to be able to do this?


Dawna said...

You've started! Good for you! Hang in there and it will get easier (as I say while seated at the computer :-) ) You CAN do this!!!!! Hooray for you, Hooray for you!! I'm so proud of you!!!

Stacy Armentrout Skinner said...

i am glad that you go on the tred and even though you where feacking out you did it congrats girl!!! keep up the good work.

one of these days i will try to blog and get back into reading blogs.

Mitchell said...

You rock hardcore Amy. I have been using the tred myself. I totally know what you are saying. Red faced, sweaty and wobbly legs. "They" tell me its gets better. Lets both hope it does. Just keep telling yourself your worth it, because you are. Love ya.

Lisa said...

Keep it up girl! proud :) You can totally do this.