Sunday, November 30, 2008

Be the change.....

Hi everyone!

Do you like my new headline of my blog? I spent an amazing day in downtown Portland yesterday. Just taking it all in. Shopping, and people watching, thinking about pretty much everything. Thinking about the kind of person that I want to be. The kind of person that I already am, inside. And how to bring that person out to share with the world. Anyway, on my way back to Gresham on the MAX train, I looked up above the windows at the little placards on the train, and there was that little snipet of poetry staring right back at me. I thought, wow, how symbolic is that. "I believe in myself slowly", so true of me. I am always under-estimating myself and the things I can achieve. "It takes all the doubt I've got" I'm always doubting myself, my decisions, my abilities. "It takes my wonder" It does. My doubt, it gets in the way of me achieving my goals. I sat there for a while and thought about all of the signs. Signs that I need to change my lifestyle, and become a healthier person.

I bought a motivational piece during black friday shopping. Its a sterling silver ring that says "be the change....." I am going to wear it as a daily reminder that the only person that can change me, is me! I assume the message on the ring is intended to be "world" or "earth" related, but I also think it can be interpretted many different ways. And I thought it would be a perfect motivation for me as I start this journey again, for the hundredth time.

This time I am not setting a goal right away. I dont want to set a weight, or a size. I want to reach a place inside myself, where I feel healthy and comfortable. Once I get to a point where I am ready to set a goal, I will.

For now, my focus is...... change.


Carrie K said... rock my world! im so happy for you...

portland is your heart...and youre so lucky to get to go there often!!

Stacy Armentrout Skinner said...

You can do it Amy! Just take one day at a time and enjoy it the ups and the downs of it all. You have all of us to help you with this. We all could use a little good change in our life's right now.

thiggins1978 said...

You can set the goals girl! Just start out small!