Thursday, June 5, 2008


Well, lots of little tidbits of stuff going on today.

First of all, work sucked, okay moving on.....

The change: we have a changed jar, well pig. Its a large plastic pig, and we have been putting our change in it since last December (like over a year ago December). The pig got stuffed, full! So we had to start another change container. That container was about 1/3 of the way full. Dennis has been trying to convince me to let him go cash in the coins. We were supposed to be saving the change for a trip to Vegas. Well we dont know when Vegas is going to happen, but this whole beach trip is happening next weekend. So we decided to take it in today. We were rewarded with $364!!!! That pays for our motel room and our gas. I'm happy. I wish I would have taken a pic of the change before hand. Pretty impressive.

Well, today was the last day of school. Harley's school had an award ceremony. Harley received 4 awards! She got a physical fitness award, one for reading, one for math, and one for behavior. That was pretty cool. She passed all of her benchmarks this year so we are pretty proud of her for working so hard.

I had to laugh at the whole behavior award, because she almost blew it yesterday. She got in trouble at school. Apparently she hates a girl named Vanessa. She wrote "i hate vanessa" on her white board in class. One of the kids told on her so the teacher took her aside to talk about it. The teacher asked Harley to explain what she wrote, and why. Well Harley doesnt have the best handwriting and thought she was going to use that as a way to get out of it. Apparently her "h" looked an awful lot like a lowercase "n". So Harley tells her teacher she didnt write that she "hates" her. It says "nate", "I nate her" LOL!!! Well, obviously the teacher wasnt falling for it, so Harley got in a little bit of trouble. And I cant help but laugh.

Bubba didnt have much to report from his last day of school. The highlight of the day was that there was a "cat fight" at school. He got the honor of being the kid that distracts the principal so the girls could start the fight. He was pretty proud of himself. I will never forget junior high. There was always one good cat fight about every year. Loved it!

I am so happy that tomorrow is Friday. This has been a long week. Work has been slow business wise, so I have been very busy trying to catch up on a few things around there. The days though, have dragged!!!
Bring on the weekend!!!


Trish said...

We have a large plastic coke bottle we use to collect change in. We cash it in every year or year and half and use it for a trip. Usually of trip out to Washington.

Stacy Armentrout Skinner said...

I hear ya about your week at work. I am so ready for the weekend to be here to. I am so looking forward to Saturday!! :)