Sunday, August 3, 2008

So mad!

I love everyone that reads this!

I just had this HUGE entry typed out for you guys, but my fingers spazzed out and hit ESC and deleted THE WHOLE THING!!!

So, a condensed version for me peeps:

* Check out my updated song list to the right. I am going through an acoustic phase right now. I highly recommend "The Scene Aesthetic" their music is pretty magical.

* Oh! I found the greatest freaking website ever!! Its about IKEA! So if you are interested.... check out it. The Greatest Freaking Website Ever

* And.... in my really great post that I already typed then lost, I talked about how I have had this "revelation" of sorts. It's about my weight. Honestely, it took a lot out of me to write it, and I dont feel like going back there now. Maybe at another time.

* I got my hair cut. I will post a pic someday, but dont get your hopes up. Hey, just being honest here.

Peace out, girl scouts!

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