Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Money Pit


Why does weird stuff always have to happen right before we are about to leave?

So Dennis points out the other day that the hose to our washing machine is leaking right by the one and of knob. I just kind of ignored it, because I couldnt see the leak, and well, I needed to do laundry. Today a guy came and looked at it, and yes, it was leaking. He thinks he fixed it though.

Then!!! Dennis calls me today and says that he found a leak in Harley's closet (what he was doing in there I dont know). The water heater is actually in a little cubby that you have to get to through Harleys closet. So, now we need a new water heater, because the one we have is 25 years old. And the leaking water heater would explain last months electricity bill. $*%#)@!!!


We are leaving tomorrow to pick up Nicole from the airport. Harleys room is tore apart because we had to empty her closet. And ironically, its Harley's room that Nicole stays in when she comes down.

Oh yea, there is something else! Our brand new TV that we just got a couple weeks ago has a problem. One of the speakers is cutting in and out. Good thing we have the 3 year warranty. Bastards.

I have been sick for almost a week now, with an awful cough, and runny nose. Coughing a lot, my chest muscles hurt!


Is this week over yet?


Lisa said...

so sorrry, girl. is a water heater something you can buy used? like off craig's list or something? total BLEK.

i hope you feel better soon! (have you tried the honey trick?)

Stacy Armentrout Skinner said...

I am so sorry that you don't feel good (GO TO THE DOCTOR) hope it all gets better for you soon. Try to enjoy your weekend.